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History Of Kurmi Community || Glory Of Vedic Kshatriya Kurmi

Kurmi is an ancient Kshatriya caste which has it’s origin near Indian Sub-continent.
Almost all of the South-Asia Has been ruled by the Kurmi Kings in different phases of the History. The Significance growth of Hinduism and Indian Culture in the South-East Countries is the result of hose Kurmi Kings who have ruled almost the entire Sub-Continent.  Kurmi caste is also recognized as the saviors and protectors of the Hinduism and Indians History and Culture because of their numerous battles that they fought against the invaders (from the ancient time to the modern). Courage and loyalty are the main characteristics of Kurmi Community.
Suryavansh, Chandravansh
Bhagwan Ram

As we all know that the Kurmi community is an great ancient community living in Indian Sub-Continent. We get numerous text evidences from the ancient literatures about the existence of Kurmi peoples at that ancient time.
Vedas, one of the most ancient literatures the world have ever witnessed has mentioned “Kurm” as the greatest kshatriya warriors on the planet Earth.
Other Hindu Texts like The Ramayana and The Mahabharat have mentioned some records about Kurmi Community.
In ancient time the Kurmi’s are the kshatriya’s of the kingdoms. They are considered as a warrior caste. 

Kurmi’s are the only pure kshatriya community that exist in ancient time. They are traditionally considered as a warrior class.
As the civilization is so primitive and un-devloped. The majority of the society is based on agriculture. Most of them were part time or full time farmers too.
This time period has lot of textual evidences. Numerous Kurmi Kings rise their kingdoms and became great.
One of them was great Maratha King Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who fought against the invaders and established Hindu Swaraj,and more
Most of the area of South Asia was controlled and ruled by Kurmi Community
Many great and courageous Dynasties come into existence. Some of them are following
Cholas of South
Gangwars of Gangwadi
Vijaynagar Empire
Kurmi’s are the biggest factor in resisting Mughals in the Indian Sub-Continent.

Shivaji Maharaj
Established Hindu-Swaraj
Sambhaji Maharaj
Wins about 108 Battles in a row, know as the most deadliest warrior on thr planet.
Shahu Ji Maharaj
Provide 50% Reservation to weaker section of Society.
Raj Raj Cholam |
Conquerors 2/3 Sri-Lanka, Entire South-Asia and South-East.
Rajendra Chola
Estabhish more power in South East
Raja Krishna Dev Rai
Protect South India From Invaders

Coming of invaders causes lots of damage in India. This led to the foundation of Poverty in India. As an Indian Kurmi community also fought but takes lots of damage, as a result a section of society collapse economically.
But unlike the other the Kurmi community never led down. They started to work in their own farms with great effort.
Kurmi’s are still respectable peoples in the region.
Mughals are now vanished from the Sub-Continent, but now Britishers have come to India.
Repeating the deeds of Mughals.
Again numerous Kurmi stands at the front to face the disaster. Raja Jailal Singh, Choudhary Dhulke Singh,Gulam Singh Patel was one of them.
Kurmi Farmers in Gujrat also started an movement against the British Govt.  Kurmi’s of Jharlhand also started an movement against the Britishers.
All those steps shake down the roots of British Govt.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel  
He was the real gem of India who reunite all the riyasats of India and make a great, vast and united India again. His view on Kashmir issue was clear and correct.
He was first democratically elected Prime Minister of India but did not take the oath because of Nehru. He was the most respected personal in the India’s Freedom’s Struggle.
Recently Statue of Unity has been constructed to honour Sardar the maker of New and Republic India. He is known as Iron man of India.

In the modern time the Kurmi are known as as a ruling caste just like the ancient and the mediaeval time mediaeval time time there are six chief ministers in India (Goa, Karnataka, Andhra, Bihar, Telangana and Chhattisgarh) which belong to Kurmi community according to an survey there are approx 300000000 Kurmi people in India which is equal to to 25% all total population of India kurmis also found in in other countries rather than India following are the the list of the countries in which kurmi's are found
United States United Kingdom Canada Nepal Bangladesh Mauritius Balochistan Fiji Cambodia Thailand Malaysia Nigeria and also in some some Middle East and South East Asian countries which which has a kurmi history Priti Patel an senior leader of conservative party United Kingdom is also from kurmi community many of the hotels running in United States are owned by by Indian good means so kurmis are found in most of the world according to an survey there are approx 33 crore crore ur means in the world which is larger than the United States population.



  1. Dharmendra pradhan the central minister is also kurmi kshtriya.

  2. Though i do recognise that Kurmis may have Kshatriya origins but you need to make your work more credible, you have too many errors and faults in your English writing and grammar which makes it discredited by itself.

    You also need to cite records and British census , old books etc.

    Merely claiming that kurmi word exists in Mahabharata, ramyana is outright stupid and work of an illiterate. You need to tell that which verse and chapter can they look up to - to verify it.

    Kurmis word likely doesn't exist in Mahabharata or ramayana, you have simply farted fake claims into your blog.

    And where is the word kurmi in ved , in which vedic text and in which mandal and which verse?

    You simply made too many false claims and that's why you guys are not take. Seriously.

    1. But who the fuck are you to decide whether we have any Kshatriya origin or not. Mind your own business wo doesn't need to give any proof. if you want to find out do it by yourself just don't interfere in our matter.


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